Selvlysende maling

Baseret på 239 anmeldelser
100% dansk netbutik
  • Selvlysende maling
  • Rød, grøn og blå
  • 250 ml flasker eller 150 ml. bøtte


Selvlysende maling

“Glow in the dark” er en selvlysende maling, der fås i farverne blå, rød og grøn i flasker af 250 ml.
Den selvlysende maling lyser i mørket når lyset slukkes.
Jo flere lag jo bedre effekt, og også hvis der males på lyse overflader. 


Selvlysende maling og effekten

“Glow in the dark” selvlysende maling fungerer ved at absorbere dagslys/hvidt lys og lyser op med et kraftigt lys i komplet mørke.
Man kan sammenligne det lidt med et batteri der oplades med strøm, hvor den selvlysende maling oplades af lys, og jo kraftigere og længere lyspåvirkning du giver den selvlysende maling, jo kraftigere og længere tid vil den lyse op i mørket


Vægt 0,25

What is luminous paint?

Glow-in-the-dark paint lights up dark environments with shades of green/blue-green. Glow-in-the-dark paint uses a substance called phosphorescent and works by absorbing light, similar to a recharging battery.  Daylight/white light "charges" best but blacklight can also be used and the luminescent paint can thus light up by itself as long as other lights are off. Glow in the dark paints come in different colours but have the brightest light with the default colour green/blue-green.


What is the difference between UV paint and luminous paint?

The main difference between UV paint and glow-in-the-dark paint is the way you activate the paint's light effect. UV paints require UV lighting/black light, and luminescent paints activate the light themselves as long as you are in the dark. Hence the name "Glow in the dark".